Best Tools & Resources

Personal Development

(Click to expand the sections below.)

This list can transform your business!  I’ll keep adding to it as I have new suggestions.

*Note: If you prefer to listen to the audio version of the books mentioned & you haven’t yet picked up your free 30-day trial from Audible, make sure to click here & get your first audio book for free 🙂  Some of these authors do unfortunately swear a bit, so be sure to use headphones if you’re doing audio and little ones are around.

*Ninja Tip: DO NOT get trapped into spending all of your time doing personal development & never taking action.  DO spend time in personal development mode every day on a topic you need for yourself or your business right now, but DO NOT make it the bulk of your work time.  If you want to grow your business, you have to actually do the income producing activities.

Here are a few of my favorites & the you can check out the image below for an even more extensive list that I will keep adding more to as I read.
  • Go for No for Network Marketing* – This will flip your whole perspective & make it FUN to reach out to people, instead of fearful they’ll turn you down.
  • Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook* – Ready to start creating better posts that people enjoy reading?
  • Get Over Your D@mn Self* – Great book to dive into if you’re ready to take some serious action & get over your lame excuses.  Definitely some swearing in this one, so use your headphones if you grab the audio version & have kids around.
  • The Miracle Morning* and The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers* – Ready to learn how to set yourself up for success right from the moment you wake up (even if you’re not a morning person & you’re married to your snooze button).
Here’s where I’m keeping my full list of the best books for network marketers:
  • Brendon Burchard on YouTube or Podcast – one of my top mentors is in Brendon’s mastermind.  Follow who the big dogs are following, right?  Last I knew, he’s even got his entire High Performance Habits book on the podcast for free & it is a real eye opener.
  •  She’s Making an Impact – This podcast is by Rachel Ngom, Pinterest & blogging expert.  I’ve taken her Impact Blogging Academy course & Rachel is a fabulous inspiration to follow.
  • Inbox Besties Podcast – Grab some awesome free tips every week from email marekting genius, Kate Doster (when you’re at the point of having your own email list).
  • Elevation Church Podcast – this one is just so inspiring for your life in general.

In the vault dashboard, I have a list of courses & other training resources that I personally have used in my own business and wholeheartedly recommend, so make sure to check that out.  But I thought I’d list a couple of my top favorites here that I think would make the most impact in your network marketing business & your life right now.

  • Home Biz Kick-in-the-Pants Workshop – Ok, so this is my own course, yes, but if you are looking to grow your network marketing business using free prospecting strategies on Facebook, this is where to start.
  • Love Your List* – This course has been one of the best investments I’ve made for my business ever since shifting to email list building & a HUGE bang for it’s buck.  It’s far more than just an email course.  Kate Doster REALLY knows her stuff.  She’ll help you whip up your entire email series and master copywriting, ConvertKit*, creating your perfect freebie opt-in, & funnel strategy too, to get that traffic coming into your offers.  If you are looking to grow an email list & automate having people come to you already interested in what you’re offering, you absolutely need to invest in this course & just IMPLEMENT.  She only opens it a couple of times a year, so be sure to get on her list to be notified when enrollment opens up.
  • STEP: How to Finally Stop Drowning in Piles* – This link is for a complimentary training from STEP (Steps to Everyday Productivity).  This is a fabulous intro to how to get your life organized & I highly recommend investing in the full course called STEP Mastery. You will learn how to organize every aspect of your life & stop drowning in clutter, which will free up your mind & give you more energy to be more creative and productive.  This program will help you get your physical & digital space into a well-oiled, organized machine, so that clutter & disarray no longer drain your energy, creativity, & time.  This is something I struggle with like CRAZY and if you look around at your space & see stuff piling up everywhere, you NEED this training.  It will rock your world.